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Skate Canada Membership Insurance Fee


Skate Canada is the national governing body for skating. As a Skate Canada sanctioned club, LSC must register all skaters with Skate Canada.

Membership is mandatory (annually from September 01 to August 31) and includes insurance/liability coverage and other benefits, such as allowing skaters to participate in competitions and tests. This fee goes directly to Skate Canada.


Lucan Skating Club Fundraising Bond

Volunteer Bond

Fundraising is critical to the ongoing success of this club. Without fundraising the club could not operate effectively while keeping program costs reasonable for all levels of skating.

Visit the Fundraising and Trivia Night tab to see the initiatives available to earn your Fundraising Bond back.

Volunteering with the club is also critical to us being able to put on all the fun and engaging events and activities for our skaters that make being part of the Lucan Skating Club rewarding. We can't do everything we do throughout the year without volunteers. Watch for the sign up sheets at the start of the season or reach out to a Board member to see how you can earn your bond back. $30 will be returned for each 1hr of volunteer time